Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Event for Insurance – Abu Dhabi

Prime CTS and Netiks International organized a Breakfast Meeting with leading Insurance Companies from Abu Dhabi to Introduce Netiks360 Insurance, a best practice Insurance Package built on top of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for the insurance vertical. Netiks360 Insurance is a ready CRM solution that brings to the insurance companies the best international practices of CRM implementations in Insurance companies at very short time-to-market.

The meeting started by a welcome speech from Mr. Tarek Soubra, the CEO of Prime CTS, followed by an interesting and informative presentation from the Managing Director of Netiks, Mr. Georges Antaki, who explained to the audience the latest CRM trends and challenges for the insurance Sector. Subsequently, a detailed demo for the Netiks360 Insurance was shown to the audience and we finished the meeting with a presentation about the latest developments and evolvements of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

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